Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The morning's first..

There's definitely a problem here. Infact, there's definitely a problem everywhere. I do not like the newspapers. They are depressing. More often than not, they do not make you feel happy about the world you live in. Talk about waking up and smelling the coffee. It's the world's refuse at your doorstep every morning.

I can't even begin to imagine what the aliens would think about this planet were they to read our newspapers. I don't think they'd want to invade the planet like in the movies. Or, like in the movies, they might just consider blowing up Earth into smithereens. I agree with them. All this shit going up in a giant ball of flames. Armageddon. A final end to everything. You might even call it orgasmic.

When I think about what the next generaton will inherit from our hands, I think about everything our elders gave us and quite frankly, I don't think too many of us are happy about it. Clearly, given that we are bound by legacy, chance and various acts of god(or whatever they call him/her) to this rather pathetic excuse for a world to live in, I hope Bangkwang can change something. Not the world, definitely. You've got to be kidding yourself if you think you can change everything around you overnight. But there may be something new at your doorstep in the mornings that will simplify your day.

Even if just a little bit.

- Arindam Mohanty


  1. Wow!!! Thats powerful!!! Congrats Arindam on the post and the entire Bangkwang team!!!
